Seeing Red with Eila Lee
Photography by Eryca Green
Red feels like a daring color to me, vibrant and bold and it makes me feel excited.
Eila Lee
In the business of people (hospitality/events)
Are you a natural redhead?
No, naturally brunette.
Do you enjoy being a redhead?
I have been dying my hair for a few years now, and there have been many phases of red since then, from a coppery shade to a more vibrant orange or a bright red. I was even blonde for a hot minute, too! I love experimenting with my look and changing things up; hair is a fun way to lean into this. When I first started dying my hair, I was nervous, but as I began to change my look, I liked how it made me stand out a bit and be bold in a way that made me feel more confident about exploring my style.
What does being a redhead mean to you?
Red is a daring color to me. It is vibrant and bold, and it honestly makes me feel excited.
Sometimes, I think about going back to my natural color, but it leaves me feeling dull and uninspired. Not that I have anything against naturally brown hair; I currently just feel very drawn towards having bright hair. I honestly think the ability to change my hair gives me the confidence to get out and take risks, be bold, and explore my ever-evolving self.
How do you describe your shade of red?
I would describe my hair color at the moment as a mulled wine / pinky tone of red. With the upkeep required to keep your hair looking vibrant, I opted for something closer to my natural color, which can still be a bit different or fun. I imagine I will change it up again very soon, though.
Favorite redheads?
My mum! She has had fiery red hair for most of my life and is a huge reason why I have always been interested in experimenting with my hair. I remember the first time I got my hair done and had these hot pink strips in my bangs! Otherwise, I’ve been influenced by cartoon and anime characters like Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls, Erza from Fairy Tale, or Bloom from the Winx Club, whom I adored growing up. In some ways, dying my hair is a way I can connect to my inner child, and I love that element of it.
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