Susan Harder
Retired Gallery Owner/ NY State Representative-DarkSky International
My Cars
1968 XKE Jaguar (originally bought in 1968 by a woman)
1967 Corvette StingRay (I had a 1964 when in high school)
1961 Cadillac convertible
1989 Mercedes Benz SL 560
2019 F12 Ferrari, bought new
No nicknames but refer to all of them except the Ferrari as “gals”. He’s a guy.
I love to “dress up” in period outfits
or racing togs when I drive the cars to events.
Do you work on your cars?
I work on my cars in my garage, repairing and maintaining, and detailing them in consultation with my 85-year-old mechanic.
Your First Car?
I had my first car in high school, a Corvette StingRay (my father’s gift to me). I was a member of the school’s Sports Car Club, and I started to appreciate cars with my fellow members, who were all guys, by the way.
Is there a dream car? Another vintage car you would love to have.
I have had my eye on the 60s Ferrari 250 for a long time and would love to own one. The hood of that car hangs in my garage as an “art” piece, along with many photographs and car memorabilia. I even have a Hermes silk and cashmere scarf with an automotive theme—a gift from my beau, with whom I share the cars.
Driving on curving roads with the car’s engine singing to me
is sheer pleasure. I feel at one with each car
Would you ever buy an electric car?
Electric cars are out of the question for me at this point in my life. I’m a petrolhead. Always will be.
Women and cars on the screen. Your favorite?
Grace Kelley driving along the Côte d'Azur in To Catch A Thief. Although she later died while driving that road.
Website- DarkSky International
Vintage Wheels